Your “Mild” Concussion Might Cost Tens of Thousands of Dollars

Unlike burns, cuts, lacerations, and compound fractures, brain injuries are often invisible. When you suffer a jarring blow to your head or body, your brain can jiggle around inside your skull. Because of this sudden movement, your brain might start working abnormally. These changes can dramatically impact your life, costing you substantial sums of money that few people can afford.
At Earnhart Law, we help victim of traumatic brain injuries get the compensation they deserve. No concussion is too small to take seriously, so reach out to us today.
What is a Concussion?
According to doctors, a concussion is a relatively mild traumatic brain injury. Relative, however, is the operative word. Concussions can still cause dramatic changes in behavior and functioning. You might pass out briefly after a traumatic blow. However, once you awaken, you will problem notice certain symptoms such as:
- Trouble thinking logically or clearly
- Difficulty speaking
- Impaired memory
- Decreased mobility or problems with balance and coordination
- Increased sensitivity to light or sound
- Persistent headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Convulsions
- Sleep disturbances
- Mood swings
With a concussion, your symptoms should clear up on their own after a few weeks. You can treat any symptoms, such as headaches, with a painkiller. However, some concussions do not clear up quickly, leaving injured victims unable to return to their normal lives.
Treating Post-Concussion Syndrome
Every person’s brain is different, and the ability to recover from a concussion will differ depending on the person. Some concussed individuals continue to show symptoms and impairment for months. To get a handle on their symptoms, they might need to:
- Undergo imaging testing, such as an MRI or CT scan
- Take medication such as antidepressants or sleep aids
- Attend physical therapy to regain mobility, balance, and functioning
- Attend psychotherapy to manage mood swings or other personality changes
The costs of diagnosis and treatment can be expensive. An MRI can cost around $3,500 and a CT scan can cost about $1,500. Visiting the emergency room can also cost several thousand dollars. Should the doctor admit you to the hospital overnight for monitoring, you could pay well north of $20,000.
And these costs do not include lost wages because the person could not go to work. With persistent headaches and impaired thinking, many concussed individuals need to stay at home for months until they feel sufficiently well to return to work. These lost wages must be added to the medical bills for a full accounting of the economic costs of a concussion.
Speak with a Delray Beach Brain Injury Attorney
Although we hope you bounce back quickly from your concussion, the sad reality is that many people will need months to recover. This time can exact a steep financial cost. Whether you are worried about medical bills or lost wages, you should reach out to a Delray Beach brain injury attorney at Earnhart Law to discuss your case today. We have obtained favorable settlements for many of our clients, and we are eager to use our skills on your behalf. Please call 561-265-2220.