Tag Archives: Delray Beach Personal Injury Attorneys

How Much are My Facial Injuries Worth?
You might be surprised. Facial injuries often warrant more compensation than other injuries because they are so visible. For many people, their identity is tied up in their appearance, in particular the face they present to the world. Injuries that disfigure how a person looks can cause serious emotional distress, which victims can be… Read More »

The Importance of Good Records in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
After an accident, you might feel intense pain that makes it hard to sleep or do anything at all. In this frame of mind, the last thing you want to think about is your lawsuit. However, the keys to receiving compensation after an accident is keeping good records and hiring the right Delray Beach… Read More »

Problems Accessing Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits
As a no-fault state, Florida requires that motorists carry at least $10,000 in PIP benefits. These benefits are paid out regardless of who is at fault for an accident and can cover a portion of your medical bills as well as lost wages. In theory, no-fault PIP benefits were meant to speed up the… Read More »

Do You Have a Broken Bone?
A broken bone is not always obvious. Some people imagine that every broken bone begins to extrude from the body. Although this is true of compound fractures, most breaks are not visible. Instead, you will need to rely on other symptoms to figure out if you should go to the doctor. Have You Suffered… Read More »

Defective Fitness Equipment
It’s hard enough to get in shape these days. Few people have room in their busy schedule to free up a half hour to spend on a treadmill or stationary bike. Now you can add another obstacle to the mix—defective fitness equipment. A recent recall of an elliptical machine reminds consumers that they can… Read More »

Serious Soft-Tissue Injuries
Soft-tissue injuries like sprains and strains have a reputation for being relatively “minor” injuries. After all, who hasn’t sprained their ankle or pulled a muscle at some point in their life? If you were like most people, all you needed was an ice pack and some ibuprofen before you were good to go. Nevertheless,… Read More »

Serious Neck Injuries
At Earnhart Law, we see all kinds of bodily injuries—broken bones, burns, and traumatic brain injuries. But some of the most painful are neck injuries. The neck is enormously complex, which means a lot can go wrong, leaving you in considerable pain and possibly keeping you out of work. Fortunately, you can receive compensation… Read More »

What Are Punitive Damages?
The civil law system exists to make victims “whole.” This means that the courts try to put you in the position you would be in had your accident never occurred. For this reason, you can receive compensation for any amount of money you lost as a result of the accident. However, Florida also allows… Read More »

A Dangerous Trend: Older Truck Drivers
Although the trucking industry is one of the most regulated in the United States, fatal accidents have risen in recent years. After hitting a low in 2009, the number of accidents involving large trucks has risen to 415,000 in 2015. Of those, 3,598 were fatal. One contributing factor to the increase in accidents and… Read More »