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Rental Bicycle Accidents


Riding a bike is an excellent way for visitors and residents to see Delray Beach. Many people don’t own their bicycle but instead rent it, which makes sense even for residents who do not want to spend the money to maintain or store a bicycle.

Unfortunately, there are many hazards awaiting those who decide to travel on two wheels. Not only do motorists cut off or fail to see cyclists, but the bicycles themselves might be in poor shape. At Earnhart Law, we represent people injured in our city. Contact a Delray Beach personal injury lawyer today to learn more.

Identifying the Cause of the Accident

Accidents unfold in a unique set of circumstances. But identifying the cause matters for purposes of bringing a claim for compensation.

In our experience, any of the following could contribute to an accident:

  • Your own carelessness. If you are not looking where you are riding, or if you take risks, you could be to blame when you fall off.
  • Someone driving a car or motorcycle could strike you or force you from the road, leading to injuries.
  • Many pedestrians step directly in front of cyclists, causing them to fall off the bike.
  • Bicycle defects. There could be a defect in how the bicycle was designed or manufactured, or the rental company might have failed to get it properly repaired.

What to Do after a Rental Bicycle Accident

At the scene of the accident, you want to get the name of the person who you believe contributed to your fall. Ask for the driver or pedestrian for name, address, and insurance information. You should also call the police to report the accident.

Because the bicycle is a rental, there is always the possibility that the rental company is to blame for keeping a defective bicycle in its fleet. Save all receipts or agreements showing that you rented the bicycle on the day you were injured. Also get the identification tag for the bicycle that you used, since your attorney might want to inspect it for defects.

Remember to receive medical care promptly. Any delay could be used against you, with the defendant claiming you are to blame for the pain you are feeling.

Compensation Following a Bicycle Accident

The ability to obtain compensation depends on who is to blame. If you are solely responsible for your accident, you can’t sue anyone. But this is rarely the case.

When a motorist is to blame, you can make a claim on their insurance policy. The same is true if the bike rental company knew of a defect but rented it to you anyway. All businesses should carry insurance policies that cover situations where they hurt customers.

In some cases, you might also make a claim on your own personal injury protection (PIP) policy if you are a Florida resident. You might also be able to make a claim if you live with a family member who has a PIP policy for their vehicle.

Let Us Untangle the Legal Issues

Rental bike accidents are not as straightforward as many people hope. Obtaining fair compensation is often a long slog, so contact Earnhart Law today to schedule a free consultation.

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