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Peak Travel Hours Heighten Accident Dangers


Anyone who is used to commuting to work and keeps typical work hours is familiar with rush hour traffic. These peak travel hours, which are usually from 7-10 am to 4-7 pm, can be dangerous. For instance, on the way to work a driver may speed to get to an important morning meeting while in the afternoon the same driver could be distracted by texts from family members and friends as evening plans are being discussed and scheduled.

While there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of a rush hour collision, there are times when accidents occur despite an individual taking as many precautionary steps as they could. If you have accident expenses and another was at fault, discuss the details of your peak time accident with a Delray Beach personal injury attorney. You could be eligible for damage recovery.

A Handful of Peak Travel Time Tips

Whether you are driving in the thick of rush hour or on an open road without another car in sight, having a well-maintained vehicle is in your best interests when it comes to safe travel. A car that is in tip-top shape will be able to respond efficiently if you need to quickly steer away from a road risk or break when a hazard suddenly appears.

And when you encounter busy roadways, keep the following in mind:

  • Properly positioned mirrors allow you to fully assess your surroundings
  • Noticing changing weather conditions means you can adjust your driving accordingly
  • Following all signals, signs, and traffic laws leads to safe travel
  • Try to ignore aggressive drivers, do not participate in risky, road rage driving behaviors
  • Take steps to see well, including using visors and sunglasses to reduce sun glare

Move with traffic and know that often remaining in the middle lane is safest. Accident risks rise when there are cars merging in and out of traffic, particularly if they are doing so without giving other cars appropriate space and alerting them with the appropriate signaling.

Tailgating and Legal Representation

People need to give other drivers enough room to maneuver if there is a sudden change in road conditions or another vehicle behaves unexpectedly. Rush hour is a time of day when it is common for drivers to fill gaps, not allowing enough room which can result in collisions. Whatever the reason for your rush hour accident, a Delray Beach personal injury attorney can review your documentation and determine the right path to resolution.

Did you sustain a rush hour car crash injury? Before agreeing to a settlement amount, connect with the knowledgeable attorneys at Earnhart Law. Our legal team will inform you of the worth of your case, it is possible you are eligible for a higher amount than an insurance company is offering. If so, your lawyer will let you know what steps you need to take next. Protecting the rights of personal injury clients for over 30 years, our attorneys know how to strengthen your case and secure the compensation you need to move forward. Call 561-265-2220 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

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