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Category Archives: Car Accidents


Huffing is Latest DUI Danger

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

Members of the public know that drinking and driving do not mix. Nor does taking drugs such as marijuana or cocaine. But what about huffing Dust-Off house cleaner? A recent DUI crash in Delray Beach has brought out into the open the latest danger to safe driving: inhaling ordinary household chemicals, such as the… Read More »

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The Dangers of Hydroplaning

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

It is no secret that snow storms make driving dangerous. As Floridians, however, we see very little snow, so some drivers gain a false sense of security that they will never lose control of their vehicle in inclement weather. Nevertheless, rainstorms can cause accidents just as easily. In particular, cars can hydroplane, leading to… Read More »

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Stacking Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Policies in Florida

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

If you have been injured in a car accident, you might have catastrophic medical bills and lose out on months of wages. As a result, you will easily exhaust your personal injury protection (PIP) benefits. If the other driver has a basic bodily injury liability policy worth $25,000, you will probably exhaust that, too…. Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions about Florida’s PIP Benefits

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

You might have heard that Florida is a “no fault” state but not know exactly what that means. At Earnhart Law, we field questions every week from injured motorists who don’t know where to turn or what insurer to contact after a car accident. To help you get the compensation you need, we have… Read More »

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Serious Neck Injuries

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

At Earnhart Law, we see all kinds of bodily injuries—broken bones, burns, and traumatic brain injuries. But some of the most painful are neck injuries. The neck is enormously complex, which means a lot can go wrong, leaving you in considerable pain and possibly keeping you out of work. Fortunately, you can receive compensation… Read More »

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Five Mistakes to Avoid after a Car Accident

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

After a collision, you might be confused, scared, or in a lot of pain. However, the steps you take can dramatically improve or harm your chances of receiving financial compensation. At Earnhart Law, we see injured motorists make similar mistakes after their crashes. By avoiding these mistakes, you can set yourself up for a… Read More »

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Why You Shouldn’t Delay Getting Medical Treatment after a Car Accident

By Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. |

Car accidents can cause all kinds of injuries that require immediate medical attention—broken bones, cuts, concussion, and burns. Prompt medical treatment gives you the best chance of making a full recovery and can even save your life. But there’s another reason why you should seek immediate medical care—Florida law requires it in order to… Read More »

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