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Car Collisions And Burn Injuries


Fires ignited through the process of a car collision are incredibly frightening, and they can occur in a range of ways. According to one recent report, there were over 200,000 U.S. vehicle fires within one calendar year, resulting in property damage, injuries, and loss of life.

Burn degree treatments differ, depending on the severity of the injury. Some burn victims are able to heal slowly and completely with self care, others suffer from ongoing discomfort and large shifts in their daily lives. Share your healthcare expenses with a Delray Beach personal injury attorney so a path forward can be determined.

Treatments and Burn Degrees

Burns are categorized by degree. For example, sometimes referred to as superficial burns, a diagnosis of a first-degree burn means only the top layer of skin was affected. In these situations, over-the-counter medications and home care, such as keeping the burned area of the skin clean, leads to healing.

But if the burns are more serious, such as a second-degree burn or a third-degree burn, more pain is felt and healing times are extended. Antibiotics could be prescribed to prevent infection. And if there is damage to all layers of the skin, which is often the case with third-degree burns, skin grafts may be required. A skin graft is when uninjured skin is taken from another area of the body and used to cover burn areas of the skin.

Fourth-degree burns are the most severe. This level of harm can be life-threatening, requiring hospitalization and multiple surgeries. Whatever level of burn, victims often need some combination of wound care, emotional support, medical treatments, and physical therapy to promote healing, ward off infections, and manage ongoing pain.

Ways a person could sustain a burn injury in a Florida traffic collision:

  • Contact with a components of a burning vehicle
  • Exposure to the heat or flames from a vehicular fire
  • Chemical burns from spilled fuel or other hazardous materials
  • Ignition of gasoline leads to injuries
  • Hot fluids result in scald burns
  • Burn dangers from toppled power lines

Long recovery times can lead to enormous health care expenses. Additionally, when burns are severe, loss of income is often part of a personal injury settlement.

Burn Injuries and High Settlements

When high numbers are discussed, it is essential you connect with a recovery amount that will allow you to pay off all your accident injury expenses so you and your family can focus on rebuilding your life. Speak to a Delray Beach personal injury attorney to strengthen your recovery claim.

Are you recovering from skin burns sustained in a Florida auto accident? Compensation options could be explored, whether your burn injury is minor or severe. To learn what is possible, bring the facts of your accident injury to the skilled attorneys at Earnhart Law in Delray Beach. Burn injuries can be complicated, and the lawyers at Earnhart Law have over 30 years of experience to push for the level of monetary recovery you need to heal financially. Schedule your no-cost consultation, call 561-265-2220 or contact us online.

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